Watch our Virtual Film Production using our LED Screens
Posted: 20th Aug 2020 8:41am 8:41 am
Virtual Film Production…Our team’s idea of a good movie.
With the current situation not improving much for the events industry, our technical crew have had a fair bit of time of their hands. So what do techs do with their spare time…create a short movie clip of course! Watch how we created the retro test sequence for our new project ‘The Car – 911 Porsche’ (imaginatively titled!) using large format Hi res LED Screens. No outdoor shooting, all of this was done in the studio. We believe this is the future for film production and that this virtual filming will replace the traditional green screen. We created this incredibly quick test shoot in just 4 hrs at our railway arch in central London. Our studio is the prime place to make a film environment of your choice.
We are excited to announce we are working on a behind the scenes video and will be launching this onto the site shortly!