Hire Spot Lights
Follow Spots are one of the oldest type of light used at events. These lights create a strong focus on a subject by directing a solid light straight at it. There is more to follow spots than just shining down on a particular point, for example, the light can be manipulated to focus on particular areas or parts of the subject or person. The amount of light can also be adjusted to give a harsh effect or softer glow.
These types of lights are most popular and commonly used for stage events. The sole purpose of the lights at this type of event is, to follow artists and illuminate them for all in the audience to see clearly.
Follow Spots can also be used to set a pattern on any surface area you wish to draw attention to, the hard-edge lighting of a spotlight will create a more defined look, allowing you to manipulate the focus of the audience.
Large staging areas with moving subjects benefit particularly from utilising follow spots. Using the light at a product launch with a main presenter on the stage, will keep the audience engaged on what the presenter has to say.
They could also be used at fashion shows to highlight a key piece of clothing in the collection or the designer themselves at the end of the show.
Following a musical act or the lead singer on a stage at a concert is another event we tend to use follow spots. This type of event can also demand the need for more follow spots to set up, creating a more alluring spectacle.
Follow Spots can also be used in conjunction with other lighting, this will give the light a much softer edge, thus changing the effect altogether.
There are a variety of colours you could use with a Follow Spot, you do not have to stick to the traditional white light.
All you have to do is tell us what your desirable outcome is for the light effect and we will advise you on how best to achieve this.
The technical team will discuss with you what you require for your event, and recommend how many Follow Spots should be utilised. Our technicians are able to stay at the event to manually operate these lights.